Joseph Beuys’ Titus Andronicus/Iphigenie

Joseph Beuys’ Titus Andronicus/Iphigenie, performed on 30 May 1969 in the Theater am Turm in Frankfurt, for Experimenta 3. Wearing a fur coat, Beuys appeared on a darkened stage with a white horse. He used the myth and the drama of Iphigenia to draw attention to the freedom and the creativity of the individual.



Playwright Peter Handke wrote a review of the piece for Die Zeit (13 June 1969):  “The further the event becomes […] the more the horse, the man walking around on the stage, and the voices from the loudspeakers become a vivid picture that might be called a desired ideal. In the memory, it seems branded into one’s own life, an image that makes one feel nostalgic and want to work on such images for oneself – for it is only as an after-image that it begins to take effect within oneself. An excited calm comes over one, only thinking about it; it stimulates one, it is such a painfully wonderful feeling that it becomes utopian – that is, political.”